Page 2 - City of Crowley FY22 Operating Budget
P. 2


                       That except in cases of emergency no money shall be drawn from the treasury ofthe City, nor shall
               any obligation for the expenditure ofmoney be incurred except pursuant to the budget appropriations as set
               out in the approved budget.  The City Manager may transfer appropriation funds from one line item to
               another line item within the same fund.  Appropriations may be transferred from one fund to another upon
               recommendation ofthe City Manager and approval of a budget amendment by the City Council.

                                                        SECTION 4

                       The budget adopted herein shall be a public record filed in the office of the City Secretary and
               available for public inspection by any interested parry.  The City Secretary shall file or cause to be filed a
               true and correct copy of this Ordinance,  along with the approved budget attached hereto,  and any
               amendments thereto, in the office of the County Clerk of Tarrant and Johnson Counties, Texas as required
               by State Law.

                                                        SECTION 5

                       It is hereby declared to be the intention ofthe City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences,
               clauses and phrases ofthis ordinance are severable; and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section
               of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of
               competent jurisdiction,  such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases,  clauses,
               sentences,  paragraphs and sections of this ordinance,  since the same would have been enacted by the City
               Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any unconstitutional phrase,  clause,  sentence,
               paragraph or section.

                                                        SECTION 6

                       This ordinance shall be effective on October 1,  2021 as approved by the City Council of the City
               of Crowley, Texas.

                       PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Crowley,
               Texas, on this the 16th day of September 2021.

                                                                  CITY OF CROWLEY, TEXAS

                                                                  Billy P. Davis, Mayor


               Carol Konhauser, City Secretary

               APPROVED AS TO FORM:

               Rob A4fibon, City Attorney

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