Page 342 - City of Colleyville FY22 Adopted Budget
P. 342

FISCAL YEAR (FY): The time period designated by the City signifying the
               beginning and ending period for recording financial transactions.  The City of
               Colleyville has specified October 1 to September 30 as its fiscal year.

               FRANCHISE FEE:  A fee paid  by  public service businesses for use of City
               streets, alleys and property in providing their services to the citizens of a
               community.   Services requiring franchises include electricity,  telephone,
               natural gas and cable television.

               FUND: An accounting entity with a separate set of self-balancing accounts
               which comprise its assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenues and

               FUND BALANCE:  The assets of a  governmental  fund  less liabilities, as
               determined at the end of each fiscal year.  Any reservations of fund balance
               are deducted to result in an "unreserved fund balance".

               accounting standards and practices  as prescribed by the Governmental
               Accounting Standards Board.

               GENERAL FUND:  The largest fund within  the City,  the General Fund
               accounts for most  of the financial resources of the government.  General
               Fund revenues include property taxes, licenses and permits, local taxes,
               service charges, and other types of  revenue.   This fund usually includes
               most of the basic operating services, such as fire and police protection, park
               and recreation, public works, and general administration.

               GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BONDS: Bonds that finance public projects
               such as streets, municipal facilities, and park improvements.  The repayment
               of these bonds is made from property taxes, and the full faith and credit of
               the issuing government back these bonds.

               GOALS: Broad general statements of each department’s desired outcomes.

               GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS:  The funds through which  most  governmental
               functions are typically funded.

               INTEREST INCOME: The earnings from available funds invested during the
               year in U.S. Treasury bills and notes, Government agencies, and  local
               government investment pools.

               INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: revenues from other governments in
               the form of grants or shared revenues.

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