Page 34 - City of Colleyville FY22 Adopted Budget
P. 34
Strategic Goals Mapped to Departments
Strategic Goals Resources Dedicated*
Thoroughly plan for future capital investments and associated costs $ 24,698,888
Provide responsive, efficient city services $ 21,921,581
Ensure regular repair and replacement of water and wastewater facilities $ 16,459,786
Support a variety of community events, concerts, and celebrations $ 12,076,333
Demonstrate stewardship of public resources $ 9,853,989
Actively involve and engage stakeholders $ 9,367,393
Provide attractive facilities for leisure and recreation $ 4,241,136
Effectively leverage information technology $ 3,453,148
Communicate thoroughly and strategically $ 3,242,884
Upgrade the condition of major roads and neighborhood streets $ 2,972,119
Protect our city's semi-rural residential character Encourage compatible commercial growth $ 2,726,267
Adopt best-practice planning and development processes $ 2,352,479
Assure convenient access to public information $ 2,275,574
Actively seek public/private partnerships $ 2,071,876
Ensure clarity of City Council and staff roles and responsibilities $ 1,035,511
Foster our shared values $ 1,035,511
Create and sustain an identifiable municipal brand $ 1,029,045
Encourage compatible commercial growth $ 713,401
Articulate a compelling vision and direction for the community $ 686,741
Mitigate storm water runoff and flooding risks $ 663,029
Recruit and retain a highly-qualified workforce $ 628,019
Develop future community leaders $ 366,430
*Please note that departmental resources are typically dedicated to more than one strategic
goal at a time. Therefore, the sum total from the above table will equal more than the total of
Colleyville’s combined operating funds.