Page 209 - City of Colleyville FY22 Adopted Budget
P. 209

                                                                             Drainage  Fee Revenue
               On  a monthly basis, $7.00  is charged to
               each  residential  customer  for  use  in         $1,500,000
               drainage  projects.  The  fees  for  other
               customer     classes    are   as    follows:
               Commercial/industrial     customers     pay       $1,000,000
               $24.40 per acre of development, churches
               pay $15.25 per acre of development, and
               park type customers pay $10.68 per acre.           $500,000
               Revenue growth in this fund comes from an
               estimated  increase  in  residential  and
               commercial  customers. Modest growth is                 $-
               projected through FY 2026.

               OTHER REVENUES
               The  drainage  fees  are  included  on  a                          Other Revenue
               customer’s  monthly  utility  bill  and  are
               subject to penalty if not paid by the due          $100,000
               date.  Penalty  income  is  projected  for
               customers who do not pay by the due date.           $80,000
               Additionally, interest income of $6,242 is          $60,000                           COVID-
               projected.  The higher amount shown in FY                                             related loss
               2015 is due to the use of available cash to         $40,000
               update floodplain maps.  Low earnings  in           $20,000
               FY21 are reflective of low interest rates as
               well as lower penalty revenue, as the City             $-
               temporarily    suspended     penalties    in
               response  to  COVID.  As  with  Drainage
               Utility   Fees,    these    revenues    are
               conservatively projected through FY 2026.

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