Page 140 - City of Colleyville FY22 Adopted Budget
P. 140
Departmental Specific Objectives
Description Timeline Strategic Goal Link
Launch new 2.1 Provide responsive,
Computer Access & efficient city services
Reservation Winter of 2022
Control/Print software 2.3 Effectively leverage
information technology
1.1 Actively involve and
engage stakeholders
2.1 Provide responsive,
efficient city services
Complete update of the 2.3 Effectively leverage
Colleyville Public Library Spring of 2022 information technology
Long-Range Plan 2022-
2027 2.4 Demonstrate
stewardship of public
5.3 Provide attractive
facilities for leisure and
2.1 Provide responsive,
Launch new service, efficient city services
wireless printing, internal Winter/Spring of 2022
and remote 3 Effectively leverage
information technology
2.1 Provide responsive,
Launch new circulating efficient city services
materials collection, Summer of 2022
Literacy Kits