Page 44 - Burleson FY22 City Budget
P. 44

Operational                                                  G OA L   1 :
     FOCUS A REA 1

                                                                 Develop a high-performance and diverse
                                                                 workforce by attracting and retaining the
                                                                 very best employees; providing a

                                                                 competitive salary and
                                                                 benefits package; maximizing employee

                                                                 training and educational opportunities.

     OBJECTIVE                                                   G OA L   2 :
                                                                 Improve the efficiency and productivity

     To make the City of Burleson a                              of operations through the use
     community of choice by providing                            of technology, innovation and continual

     outstanding customer service;                               business process improvement.
     leveraging technology to be an

     efficient and responsive organization;                      G OA L   3 :

     being financially responsible; and                          Deliver high-quality service to external
                                                                 and internal customers by providing an
     focusing on transparency throughout                         outstanding customer

     the organization.                                           experience; regularly seeking feedback

                                                                 from citizens and employees through

                                                                 surveys, public forums and other outreach
                                                                 methods; and offering convenient
                                                                 methods for conducting business with the

                                                                 G OA L   4 :
                                                                 Be a responsible steward of the city’s
                                                                 financial resources by providing rates
                                                                 and fees that represent a strong value to

                                                                 our citizens; providing timely, accurate
                                                                 and transparent financial reporting; and
                                                                 utilizing long-range planning.

                                                                 G OA L   5 :
                                                                  Foster a collaborative organization, both
                                                                  internally and externally, by maintaining
                                                                  an open dialogue between all city

                                                                  departments along with local, regional,
                                                             38   state and federal partners.
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