Page 384 - FY 2021-22 ADOPTED BUDGET
P. 384
CASH MANAGEMENT The management of cash necessary to pay for governmental
services while investing temporarily idle cash excesses in
order to earn the maximum interest revenue. Cash
management refers to the activities of forecasting the inflows
and outflows of cash, mobilizing cash to improve its
availability for investment, establishing and maintaining
banking relationships, and investing funds in order to achieve
the highest interest and return available for temporarily idle
CHARACTER A basis for distinguishing types of expenditures; the major
CLASSIFICATION classifications used by the City are: Personal Services,
Supplies and Materials, Contractual Services, Repair and
Maintenance, Capital Outlay, and Debt Service.
COMBINED A summary of two or more funds presented on a single
SUMMARY page that includes a total of the funds presented.
CURRENT TAXES Taxes that are levied and due within one year.
DEBT SERVICE The City's obligation to pay the principal and interest of all
bonds and other debt instruments according to a pre-
determined payment schedule.
DEBT SERVICE FUND A fund established to account for the accumulation of
resources for and the payment of long-term debt principal
and interest.
DEBT SERVICE FUND The amount of revenues which must be provided for a Debt
REQUIREMENTS Service Fund so that all principal and interest payments can
be made in full and on time.
DEFICIT The excess of expenditures over revenues during an
accounting period.
DELINQUENT TAXES Taxes that remain unpaid on or after the date on which
penalty for non-payment is attached.
DEPARTMENT A major administrative organizational unit of the City which
indicates overall management responsibility for one or more