Page 362 - FY 2021-22 ADOPTED BUDGET
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The City was rated in 2021 and received a bond rating of AA+ according to Standard and Poor’s and
Aa2 according to Moody's Investor Services.
Benbrook has one of the lowest crime rates in Tarrant County. Part I crimes per 1,000 population
were 23.86; Benbrook's big city neighbor, Fort Worth, had a rate of 49.27 per 1,000 population. The
Benbrook Police Department is headed by the Chief of Police and is staffed by the Commander,
Lieutenants, Sergeants, Detectives, Corporals, Police Officers, Police Services Supervisor,
Administrative Manager, Communications Specialists, and Animal Control Officer.
The Benbrook Fire Department is comprised of 31 full-time employees (Chief, Assistant Chief,
Captains, Lieutenants, Firefighter/Paramedics, and Firefighter/EMTs), part-time employees in the
Auxiliary City Fire Support Unit (ACFSU who are on call every third day), and volunteer firefighters
who donate their time to Benbrook. The City of Benbrook and the City of Fort Worth have a mutual
aid agreement. Benbrook has a tanker truck assigned from Tarrant County to assist in combating
fires in unincorporated parts of the County. The Benbrook Fire Department provides ambulance
services to all of Benbrook. Effective October 1, 2006, the Fire Department also provides fire service
to all areas of Benbrook; prior to this date, the City of Fort Worth was contractually responsible for
responding to fires in North Benbrook. Benbrook’s fire insurance ISO rating is 2 and the CRS
floodplain management rating is 6.
The Municipal Court convenes one day each month to render decisions on traffic fines and other
misdemeanors; a separate juvenile court is also offered once each month. The Judge and Magistrate
are part-time employees. Prosecutor duties are performed by the firm that provides City Attorney
services. The Municipal Court Manager is a full-time position and is assisted by the Deputy Court
Clerk. The Benbrook Municipal Court became a court of record in 2005.
Citizens of Benbrook are assessed ad valorem taxes by the City of Benbrook, Tarrant County, the
Fort Worth Independent School District, Tarrant County College, and the Tarrant County Hospital
District. The Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) assesses property throughout Tarrant County. Every
year, TAD re-appraises a quadrant of the County; Benbrook has a complete re-assessment every
four years. Through TAD, homestead, disability, veterans, and over-65 exemptions are available.
The City has a policy to grant tax abatements for qualified industries. The City contracts with TAD
for these services. In October 1998, the City contracted with Tarrant County to bill and to collect all
ad valorem taxes. The City contracts with a local legal firm to collect delinquent taxes. The sales tax
in Benbrook is 8.25 percent and is distributed among the City (1.00%), the State of Texas (6.25%),
the Benbrook Economic Development Corporation (0.50%), and Benbrook Library District (0.50%).