Page 15 - Westworth Village FY21 Budget
P. 15


                                              GENERAL FUND

             The city uses a conservative approach to budgeting both revenue and expenses, as we are
             unable  to  predict  when  the  pandemic  will  end  or  the  long-term  effects  it  will  have  to  both
             commercial businesses and local growth. The  two  major  sources of revenue for the General
             Fund  are  ad  valorem  and  general  sales  taxes,  making  up  approximately  60%  of  the  total
             revenue. The remaining revenue is generated from franchise fees, permit fees, and court fines
             and fees.

                •  Sales tax revenue is dependent on the goods and services sold at Westworth Village
                    businesses,  and  are  affected  by  our  local  retailer’s  successes  and  failures,  area
                    workforce stability, and the overall stability in the US market. The sales tax in Tarrant
                    County is 8.25%, of which two cents of every sales dollar goes to Westworth Village. One
                    cent is used as revenue in the General Fund, ½ cent is used to fund CCPD, ¼ cent for
                    the Street Fund, and ¼ cent for Economic Development. We encourage everyone to
                    support our local Westworth Village businesses – this increases sales tax revenue which
                    helps keep property taxes low, and it increases local job opportunities.

                •  Ad Valorem tax revenue, also known as property taxes, are affected by the state-imposed
                    limitations on increases to property taxes. The city only collects a small portion of your
                    total  property  tax.  The  majority  of  the  total  amount  collected  goes  to  Tarrant  County
                    services  and  Fort  Worth  ISD.  This  budget  is  based  on  no  change  to  the  current  ad
                    valorem  tax rate of $0.475 per $100 of appraised value. To view how Westworth Village
                    ad valorem tax rates compare to other areas in Tarrant and surrounding counties, visit
                    the website.

             General Fund revenue is used to fund the following public services:
                •  Administration
                •  Facilities
                •  Police
                •  Municipal Court
                •  Fire Protection and Prevention Services
                •  Library Services

             Some key points of change affecting revenue this year include:
                •  Anticipation of fewer new construction projects; therefore, permit fees have been
                •  Anticipation of fewer court revenues due to unfunded state mandates and limitations.
                •  Anticipated growth in general sales tax revenue as Shady Oaks Country Club will re-
                    open, and new businesses (Burger King, Braum’s) are anticipated on the sales tax rolls.
                •  Maintaining the current ad valorem    tax rate based on the Tarrant County estimated net
                    property tax value of $358,527,323.

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