Page 16 - Kennedale Budget FY21
P. 16


               This budget is the product of several months of work by the City’s Leadership Team as they serve the public
               and incorporate policy preferences expressed by the City Council. Each department evaluates the services
               provided throughout the past year and then weighs that against the service delivery desired by the citizens of

               Kennedale going forward. That process includes close scrutiny of existing expenditures and program
               outcomes to determine cost effectiveness and, specifically, whether or not savings can be achieved. Each
               Director reviews their budget proposal with the Finance Office and with the City Manager before
               departmental budgets are evaluated for inclusion in the Program of Services to be considered by the City
               Council. Additionally, new or expanded programs are evaluated and – as determined appropriate –
               recommended. While new program requests were assessed to provide a clearer picture of operational
               needs, no new programs have been included in this proposed budget.

               In October 2019 – shortly following the adoption of the FY19-20 budget – our bond rating agency,
               Standard & Poor’s (S&P), reviewed the City and, while the GO rating was not lowered, the outlook was
               revised from “stable” to “negative” as a result of a decision by Council for FY18-19 to reduce the tax rate by
               five cents, thereby forcing a drawdown of the General Fund balance to less than 16%. Steps were
               immediately implemented to improve the budgeted fund balance for FY19-20 in an attempt to reduce the
               likelihood of further negative consideration or a downgraded bond rating. Budgetary savings combined with

               a better than projected beginning fund balance did, in fact, result in a projected ending General Fund
               balance for FY19-20 of approximately 12.5% (rather than the budgeted 7.9%) of annual expenditures.

               This budget implements the adoption of a tax rate that would generate the maximum revenue possible
               without exceeding the voter approval (rollback) tax rate. This is the minimum tax rate that would allow for
               continued provision of very minimal services and a positive – yet still insufficient – FY20-21 General Fund
               ending balance, which is expected to further diminish to 8.3% with the adoption of this budget.

                T A X   R A T E   C A L C U L A T I O N S
                2019 Total Tax Rate              $0.734970          ELEMENTS OF THE AD VALOREM
                M&O Rate                         $0.544429
                Debt Service Rate                $0.190495          (PROPERTY) TAX RATE

                2020 No-New-Revenue              $0.756520          Maintenance and Operations (M&O)
                (“Effective”) Tax Rate (NNR)
                                                                    The portion of the tax rate that supports
                2020 Voter-Approval              $0.774086          ongoing General Fund operations
                (“Rollback”) Tax Rate (VATR)
                                                                    Interest and Sinking (I&S) or Debt Service
                2020 Proposed Tax Rate           $0.774085
                M&O Rate                         $0.582686          The portion of the tax rate that supports
                Debt Service Rate                $0.191399          payments on debt for general government
                                                                    (not utility) improvements
                A V A I L A B L E   E X E M P T I O N S
                 Over 65                          $60,000           Total Tax Rate = M&O + I&S
                 Disabled Person                  $60,000

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