Page 10 - FY2020Colleyville
P. 10

In June 2019, the City Council held their annual priority setting worksession, at which
               eight  high  priority  objectives  were  established,  as  well  as  honing  in  on  zoning,
               economic development, and financial strategies (listed below).

               Preparation of any budget requires the allocation of finite resources. Staff’s role is to
               guide the process by creating and managing a budget that reflects the City Council’s
               and the community’s highest priorities. Development of the fiscal year 2019 budget
               was guided by the priorities outlined in the City of Colleyville’s Strategic Plan. Every
               new effort and element of the City’s budget, including existing programs, is tied to
               one or more of these goals, strategies, and objectives.

               Issues & Challenges

               Colleyville benefits from a strong residential base, which helps mitigate the negative
               effects of economic fluctuations. Property values have rebounded from the declines
               experienced in fiscal years 2011 and 2012, and have experienced tremendous growth
               in the last several years. 2019 certified values increased 7% in total, compared to
               2018 certified values. One of the City Council’s highest priorities has been minimizing
               the tax burden of our citizens. As such, careful consideration is given to the amount
               of revenue (and associated tax rate) needed, as opposed to simply maintaining a tax

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