Page 9 - Microsoft Word - FY 2020 Adopted Budget Document
P. 9

Manager’s Message

            FY 2020 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT
            The City of Arlington prepares its annual operating budget using sound fiscal principles and policies.  We budget conservatively
            and ensure that our reserves are funded at appropriate levels, as defined by our adopted Financial Policies.  Specifically, the
            requirements  are  one month (8.33%) of recurring General Fund  expenditures in the Working  Capital reserve, 3% in the
            Unallocated reserve, and an overall reserve level of 15%.  With our additional reserves for the landfill, business continuity, and
            OPEB, our current level of reserves is approximately $53.06 million, which is $13.36 million in excess of our required level of
            $39.69 million.


            The budget was built with the Council identified priorities as our primary guidance for resource allocation.

            Champion Great Neighborhoods
            Creating a sense of place and maintaining a high quality of life are key components of the Champion Great Neighborhoods
            Council priority.  The neighborhood matching grant program continues in FY 2020 and funding ($22,000) was approved in
            Communication and Legislative Affairs to enhance community outreach efforts.  A Trap-Neuter-Return Coordinator ($59,540)
            was added to Code Compliance to continue the City’s work in stabilizing the feral cat community, increasing the live animal
            release rate and overall reducing animal control and sheltering costs.

            $199,299 was added to the Parks and Recreation budget for mowing and ROW and median maintenance in FY 2020; $173,091
            will be spent on new park development, including the addition of one Landscape Technician; and one-time funding of $100,000
            was also approved to install green screens at strategic locations throughout the city as part of our city beautification efforts.

            Enhance Regional Mobility

            Transportation remains a focus in FY 2020.  $1.87 million is included to continue to fund and expand VIA, the on-demand
            rideshare service that was launched in FY 2018 as a pilot program.  The additional funding will expand the service area south
            to Tarrant County College and the surrounding area.  This expansion will also include the South Park and Ride facility at Park
            Springs and I-20.  In addition, $150,000 is included to fund Connected/Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) and Smart City Pilot

            In FY 2020, the Public Works and Transportation Department will spend an additional $5.75 million on street maintenance
            throughout the City.  The Street Maintenance Division, assuming support from the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation, will begin
            the first phase of converting all the City’s streetlights to LEDs.

            Invest in Our Economy

            Tourism plays an important role in the vitality of Arlington’s economy.  Continued support and investment in the Arlington
            Convention and Visitors Bureau is included in the FY 2020 Budget ($350,000)  The recently rebranded Esports Stadium
            Arlington + Expo Center (ESA+EC) is also making several improvements in the building itself ($180,000), including the HVAC
            VAV Unit Replacement and the repainting of the exhibit hall.

            To foster development and redevelopment in targeted areas, the Office of Strategic Initiatives will complete a study of South
            Cooper Street to develop a corridor redevelopment plan ($200,000).  Originally developed between 40-50 years ago, the corridor
            needs attention to address design standards, retail and commercial mix, vacancies, and underutilized property.

            In response to the State Legislature passing HB 3167, $259,434, partially offset by new revenue, has been appropriated in
            Planning and Development Services to implement the new mandated “shot clocks” for processing all plats and plat-related

              2020 Adopted Budget and Business Plan                                        vi                                                                  City of Arlington, Texas
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