Page 11 - Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
P. 11

During  the  2007  Legislative  Session,  the  Texas

               Legislature  approved  H.B.  3195  and  enacted

               “Truth in Taxation” disclosure requirements that

               any  budget  adopted  after  September  1,  2007

               must  contain  a  cover  page  with  the  following

               statement in 18-point or larger type:

               This budget will raise more total property taxes

               than  last  year’s  budget  by  $1,167,222  and  9.57

               percent,  and  of  that  amount  $477,103  is  tax

               revenue to be raised from new property added to

               the roll this year.

                                                CITY OF BENBROOK 2018-19 ANNUAL BUDGET
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